Multiple Flavors - a Global language
The flavor and the style of the cute and simple kawaii characters meets the tastes of the bakery ( and not) products.
A world of sweet little puppies that live inside cupcakes and represent their taste. Trendy and pop they wear flashy accessories made of sugar, jelly or even gold.

Multiple Themes - an emotional journey
Characters but also serial themes, angels and demons, travelers from exotic countries who bring the flavor of places and traditions of their lands, regional specialties from all over the world.
Anniversaries and holidays are always cheered up by tastes that the little characters of cupcute will convey.
Any country is proud of their own flavors and any district of their special recipes . An expandable characterization that can catch the international , national and regional interest of the consumers.

Multiple Possible Cobranding
A variety of characters, cats, dogs, elephants, rhinos and other puppies and flavors allow to expand the range of cobranding to different confectionery products. Characters created specifically to convey the sensation of taste through soft but witty colors, accessories with pop culture references or famous personalities from the world of fashion, music and TV series.

The Marketing Moves
A variety of characters and illustration to bring to the audience by:
-Backery products packaging
-Web and Social Media platforms
-Collectibles gadgets for In-Pack Promotion marketing campaigns
-Collaboration with Art Toy Galleries for event and marketing purpose

* brands are for illustrations purpose only .
What's next?
We are continually expanding the ecosystem of characters and flavors. Exploring new ideas and partnership.